The Hongkong Prize and Xplorer Prize 2022

The Hongkong Prize is one of Asia’s premier writing contests, drawing writers from throughout Southeast Asia. Entrants can compete for both monetary rewards and an invitation to an awards ceremony – providing writers with an excellent opportunity to network in their industry while showcasing their writing abilities. Before entering, however, it is vitally important that they read all rules and regulations thoroughly to ensure their submission abides with them without breaching any guidelines.

In 1996, the inaugural Hong Kong Prize was established through a generous gift by Professor Wang Gungwu, an ardent advocate of education. The donation was then matched under the Sixth Round of Government Matching Scheme to form a scholarship fund to allow both undergraduate and postgraduate students pursue their passion for history while striving for academic excellence.

This year, nine artists made the shortlist of this prestigious award – an all-time high since its creation. Selected works focused on honour and disgrace were pieces by Noormah Jamal’s Did the Seed Grow?, featuring two figures sitting with vacant expressions against a brick wall. Furthermore, The Hongkong Prize is known for advocating equality; many finalists have risked their lives to further freedom and justice for others.

Prof. Fan is one of the recipients of Tencent Foundation’s Xplorer Prize 2022, an accolade designed to encourage young Chinese scientists in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau to explore uncharted areas of basic science and frontier technologies. The accolade has brought international renown for Prof. Fan’s groundbreaking work in computational molecular medicine; providing him with a platform from which to expand and further pursue his research endeavors.

The Shaw Prize is an acclaimed international scientific award that comprises three annual prizes in Astronomy, Life Science & Medicine and Mathematical Sciences. To celebrate its 20th Anniversary and to highlight this year’s Laureates as well as their groundbreaking research to the public at large, The Hong Kong Science Museum and Shaw Prize Foundation are proud to host an exhibition to introduce them all in an accessible manner.

Crown Worldwide (HK) Limited is taking steps to increase Hong Kong’s COVID-19 vaccine uptake, offering weekly prizes worth up to HK$2,888 to those who vaccinate employees. They have set an internal goal to reach an 80% vaccination rate by the end of August.

Following an escalation in tensions between Hong Kong and mainland China, the Government has reiterated its dedication to upholding and protecting Hong Kong’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity at all times. They urge all relevant parties to uphold international law principles while respecting Hong Kong’s sovereign rights under Sino-Foreign Relationship Framework; furthermore they will monitor developments closely and take any necessary actions as required. In particular they encourage France and Germany to respect Hong Kong sovereignty as well as respect basic norms of international relations such as non-interference in internal affairs when making visits or discussions between discussions.

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